Wednesday, September 14, 2011


The main reason I choose this project is because I like the way the design is enclosed. Most of the sports facilities I look at had a series of trusses and big open spaces but this one is enclosed with a material that doesn't not bother anyone. Another reason I like this project is because it fits right on site. Using concrete as a material is what I'm really looking forward to use on my project. I can used for the front of my facade or maybe a main wall to show a strong emphasis on a particular area.


  1. Ariel,
    please make sure you describe the assignment verbally not only diagrammatically. What do this diagrams mean? Someone who is not familiar with the process should not have to ask too many questions

  2. structural: same comments as before
    circulation: I think you have the circulation backwards. the entry is in the center of the north wall, giving onto the elevated foyer behind the viewing area, then splitting east west to go to the seating.
    Symmetry: certainly the north south axis runs through the middle of the court. a ground level plan would better demonstrate the axis with the approach and entry.
    massing: it's a bunker to be sure; and the cut at the north side certainly recognizes the forecourt and connotes entry. the sloping elevation conveys the interior change of floor elevation, and should also be delineated, I think. the round and the building may, in profile seem united, but they are actually complimentary.
    hierarchy: I think this could be a little more refined. the entry foyer is quite slender; I wouldn't include the forecourt/drive in the diagram except as a light line beyond the line of closure. a 3d definition of space significantly outweighs the 2d definition described by the paving area. another approach might be to draw an axis north south biased to the west to illustrate the relative massiveness of the support spaces balanced by the larger void of the court.
    geometry: see comments for hierarchy. It's rectangles to be sure, but you could delineate several more: the foyer; the mass of support spaces; the enclosure at the end of the parking ramp; the ramp itself. it's a nice tight cluster of similar shapes. the seats are a particularly important rectangular element, establishing the transition from entry to court. this elevation change and the digging into the earth is one of the more interesting aspects of the project, suggesting another descriptive analysis you might have explored here: plan to section.
