Sunday, September 18, 2011


The main reason I have chosen this project was because of its facade. The use of a metal on the facade its a nice detail. Windows are placed where they need to not just to follow a pattern. Also what I like about this project is the central space as you enter the building and the green roof. I'm doing a soccer field and the idea of a green roof I can take it as a example I can put my soccer field on the roof but still that its just an option. In most spaces throughout this projects people tend to walk as a group therefore I want my design to have big open spaces.

1 comment:

  1. symmetry: this design is an addition, so both new and old part should be illustrated here. the symmetry and balance analysis needs to consider the balance of the addition in relation to the existing. the choices of placing a single mass opposite the two pre-existing masses and linking the three together with a low volume are the key moves, and the resulting composition is balanced in terms of massing and symmetrical about the low linking form.

    organization: this is good, the way you show the circulation bisecting the new functions and forming the link to the older potions of the building is informative. Color-coding the older spaces as well would be helpful.

    natural light: the designers chose to break the volume at the main circulation hall and enclose the volume here with glass, which will introduce more light than elsewhere. this could be indicated in this diagram with bigger or more arrows. The exceptional opening is best viewed from the east.

    massing: again, it would be informative to describe the massing of both old and new because the designers considered the composition together as a whole. the older portion is a more traditional form, so differentiated that way, but the open ended pool volume is analogous to the broken form of the additions. the play of solid-void and rectangle versus rhomboid are integral to the design, as is the northwest inflection of the new volume in deference to the orientation of the gym.
