Wednesday, October 26, 2011


The Olympic sculpture park has changed the entire 9 acre area into a lively green open space for art. This is a new waterfront park in Seattle where one can see a range of sculptures and carvings in an outdoor setting. One can enjoy the fantastic sights of the Olympic Mountains and Puget Sound. The site has undergone rapid development in the last hundred years and the innovative designs of the park have helped in achieving a number of environmental restitution goals. SAM has contributed in restoring this former industrial site into a unique setting for outdoor sculpture and use for the public.

1 comment:

  1. Seattle Art Park

    I wonder how this project relate to the SOHO site. I can see the wedge shapes that may be reminiscent of the triangle site shape. However, the landforms here are operating to enable visitors to transition over a railroad and highway, and the planted ground planes relate to the edge condition along the waterfront. The Soho site is fairly hemmed in on all sides, I'll need to see a massing model on the site to understand your intent. The scale and edge conditions of these two sites are quite different. Another precedent that comes to mind, although it's a very simple program compared with yours, is the Willis Faber & Dumas headquarters, designed by Norman Foster, for a dense urban site - an island in effect like the soho site. Its an early green roofed building, but the walls relate to the urban edge conditions of that site in a somewhat unconventional, but appropriate way.
