Thursday, November 17, 2011

Models 1-5

I want to apologize for not posting anything on blogger for the past weeks. 

These past weeks I have been working on the shape, materials and also modifications of the site.

To start off, I will be using more space on the site. That optional space was the triangular shape in front of our site. This will allow me to have enough space to place a half size soccer field (100' by 150') on the larger area of our lot. In order to occupy the site we had to either re- direct traffic or make traffic go through the building. I found out that the A train runs through 6 avenue; limiting my available area by interfering with the possibility of having a basement. 
Also, I recently sketched some options like making cars go though my site and the types of fenestrations I wanted. After sketching my thoughts I decided to build models in order to have a better understanding of the site and how it would look.

Model #1 shows a simple model illustrating the massing of what I had sketched on my previous post. After analyzing and going back to my schematic models I came to a conclusion: I wasn't following my original idea of lifting up off the ground and my inspiration of cables and supports.

Model #2 shows some front windows and how the back would fit my soccer field. Professor Jill commented on my designs lack of sense of direction. I was asked to work on the front and back to show the flow of my design through the entire building.

Model #3 shows how I can direct traffic by putting curves on the front facade of the building, this way cars can have a sense of direction. Another thing that I added was the unity of my soccer field with my building, I show this with natural grass starting at spring street then transforming to the tribune and at lastly becoming the facade of the building.

Model # 4 shows the step back of the building, following the ideas of schematic model #3 where the lift off the ground is shown. By showing the step back of the building I'm trying to portray the lifting off the ground but in a more organic manner.

Another feature that I was trying to achieve was the use of my facade not only to be decorative but to become a structural element for the front facade since now there is a step back and it would provide stability to the building.

I have not talked much about my soccer field but its still the same size I provided before (100' x 150') the field is not covered it's open to the view of people. Seating is provided by the green area that becomes the seating area and at the same time the structure that covers the tribune.

Model # 5 shows the final changes discussed with professor Jill and Lia. 
The changes were as follows: The roof of my design is now less bulky and not so round. I kept the step back in the front but more moderate, since in the previous model the step back was giving me trouble and I was wasting space in my lobby. I kept the curves on the front facade to show and portray the flow of my building. One of the curves became one of my main elements of the front facade. This element resembles the entrance and tells you something is happening there, the element works as a decorative feature but as well as a structural element. The back of the building I now have an exit that leads you to the field. Right on top of that exit I want to provide a green seating area where you are able to access by the set of steps located on the longer side of the building. The field and tribune did not undergo major change but the flow of green area starts there, so I provided a set of swirling decorative features not only for the aesthetics but also to attract people coming down on 6 avenue. This set of swirling elements attracts and also initiates the beginning of the green area. The tribune is supported by a main structure and cables that follows the shape of the roof of the tribune.

At first, I wanted the building to be all green completely covered in grass but it was too overwhelming. Instead I want to show how green, in this case grass, takes over the metal curtain wall that would be at the front and back of the building. Grass would take place at the field and tribune, then I want to show how it takes over slowly by a set of rigid gaps of grass. This rigid gaps would have growing grass in between the metal. This feature will only apply to the back of the building. 

Lastly, the shape of the windows will follow the rhythm set by the building, instead of the typical square or rectangular. I think a triangular or semi-triangular shape would be a great option.

I hope this begins to clarify my design process and intent more clearly.